Sensitive Guidance In Developing Wills, Trusts And Estate Plans
Thinking about the future and determining how your assets will be divided when you die can be an emotional process. The team at VanNess & VanNess, P.A., understands this and helps many clients face the reality that we can’t live forever. Few areas of law are as sensitive and demanding as estate planning due to the long-reaching effects of the decisions an individual makes during his/her lifetime.
Our legal team exhibits the compassion and empathy you deserve, as well as the experience that is vital to guiding each of our valued clients through the estate planning process.
We consider all aspects of a client’s life — not only the assets he or she has accumulated. After all, it isn’t just about the property you leave behind — it is about your emotional attachment to that property and what it will mean to your beneficiaries and heirs after you are gone. You need an attorney who will listen to you closely and guide you each step of the way. This process ensures that you will make the best decisions about wealth planning and preservation, including the contents of your will, trust and other necessary estate planning documents.
Most people know they need a will or a trust, and sometimes talking to an attorney and signing those documents are put off because it is emotional to face the eventuality that life comes to an end. The scope and content of your estate planning are important and must be carefully crafted to reflect your desires.
With decades of experience in developing unique, comprehensive estate planning solutions for clients from all walks of life, the attorneys at VanNess & VanNess, P.A., are confident they can achieve the best estate planning and asset protection results for our clients.
Determining Your Estate Plan
Individuals and families with significant assets can benefit from establishing a comprehensive estate plan. Even those who don’t believe they own enough property to justify what they may believe is a comprehensive estate plan or trust still need to discuss these important issues with an experienced attorney. Virtually everyone should take the time to execute the appropriate estate planning documents for their situation. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with the development of that plan — knowing that your directions will be carried out after you are gone.
We never expect that tragic circumstances will happen to us, but auto accidents and the serious injuries they cause occur every day. Unfortunately, the day may come unexpectedly when you are no longer able to sign valid estate planning documents because of an injury or decreased mental capacity, or if you suffer an untimely death. Plan now for the benefit of your loved ones and family and trust in the experience of the attorneys at VanNess & VanNess, P.A.
Proper personal planning can also reduce taxes and eliminate long waiting periods in probate court before assets can be transferred to your survivors. Our legal team assists clients every day with these topics and educates them about the estate planning documents that are right for them. Our attorneys explore and recommend the best estate options so that clients can reduce their tax burden and gain greater flexibility with their property.
Many individuals move to Florida and bring with them estate planning documents prepared in another state. These documents should be reviewed by our attorneys to determine if they are valid in Florida or if they need to be updated when a client moves here. Our attorneys are available to do the following for you:
- Draft your estate planning documents, including your will, living will, durable power of attorney and designation of health care surrogate.
- Establish a trust that fits your particular situation and family dynamic, such as an inter-vivos trust (for use during your lifetime), an asset protection trust, a marital trust, pet trust or charitable trust.
- Assist you with business succession planning, so that loved ones who benefit from your business during your lifetime are protected after your death.
- Help you properly claim any unclaimed property.
- Determine and protect homestead property status and exemptions, which are unique provisions of Florida.
- Avoid or minimize the need for probate at the time of your death.
- Minimize or avoid altogether state and/or federal estate/inheritance taxes (when allowable by law), if applicable.
VanNess & VanNess, P.A., has over 100 years of combined experience in advanced estate planning strategies. To protect your assets as allowable by law; to reduce estate taxes, including discounted gifting strategies, weather transfer strategies and charitable giving strategies; and to use even more strategic estate planning tools, contact our office to speak with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney.
Create An Effective Plan For The Future: Contact Us
It is never too early to begin planning for the future. You want to ensure that your wishes concerning the distribution of your property and assets are followed upon your death.
To schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and thoughtful estate planning attorneys, call our Crystal River office toll free at 866-697-6221 or fill out our online form. Our lawyers work with clients throughout Citrus County and central Florida.