Tortious interference with an expectancy occurs when someone wrongfully prevents you from receiving an inheritance. This could involve a will, trust or other inheritance arrangements. This kind of interference can take many forms. Undue influence is one of the most...
Crystal River Florida Legal Blog
How can a family limited partnership protect your family’s wealth?
Have you ever wondered how to protect your family's wealth while potentially reducing estate taxes? A family limited partnership (FLP) might be the solution you are looking for. This powerful estate planning tool has gained popularity among families seeking to...
What are the different types of grantor trusts?
A grantor trust is a specific type of trust that allows you to keep certain powers or benefits over the trust assets. Unlike other trusts, which the IRS treats as separate taxable entities, the IRS considers a grantor trust an extension of you for tax purposes. As a...
How POD and TOD accounts can help Florida families avoid probate
For affluent families in Florida, estate planning is crucial to protect and efficiently transfer their hard-earned wealth. One effective strategy to consider is the use of Payable-on-Death (POD) and Transfer-on-Death (TOD) accounts. These powerful tools can help you...
How does probate impact international assets in large estates?
Managing a large estate can be complex, especially involving international assets. Probate becomes even more challenging as different countries have their laws and regulations. Understanding these intricacies is crucial for ensuring a smooth transfer of assets to...
3 estate planning strategies for Florida business owners
As a business owner, your enterprise is more than just a source of income; it's your life's work. Ensuring the continuity of the legacy you have built and protecting its value for future generations is crucial. But have you considered what will happen to this legacy...
What you need to know about guardianship in your estate plan
Choosing a guardian for your minor children could be one of the most crucial decisions when creating your estate plan. This person will be responsible for your children's care and upbringing if you and your spouse can no longer do so. Below are factors you may...
Understanding non-probate assets
When planning your estate, it is crucial to understand the difference between probate and non-probate assets. This knowledge may help you streamline the distribution of your assets. It could also save your beneficiaries time and money. What are non-probate assets?...
Estate planning considerations for your waterfront property
If you own waterfront property in Florida, you know the immense value in the beauty and enjoyment it brings. This is the type of asset you want your family to have and cherish for generations to come. However, these properties can come with certain considerations,...
How can charitable lead trusts grow benefits for your heirs?
Making contributions to your favorite charities is possible even after death. Some people anticipate disputes to arise out of potential complications this could bring to asset division. However, you can employ strategies to ensure your charitable intentions won’t...