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Why are there so many crashes at intersections?

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2021 | Car Accidents

Whether you are going to the store or enjoying a scenic drive, you will pass through a few different types of intersections on your journey.

Often, other drivers either do not know the rules of the different types of intersections, or they completely ignore them. Regardless of the reason, driver mistakes are often the cause of accidents at intersections.

These are some of the most dangerous types of intersections and how accidents can be prevented.

Causes of collisions

Driving can be a complicated task, and one that some drivers do not take seriously. Rather than focusing on the road ahead, some motorists get distracted by gadgets, passengers, daydreams or any number of incidents on the road.

When cars come near each other traveling in different directions, as they do at most intersections, it can create a recipe for disaster. Whether someone did not use a turn signal or another person misunderstood their right-of-way, there is much that can go wrong when vehicles come together.

Florida’s most dangerous

In a recent article, researchers compiled a list of the most dangerous intersections each state has to offer. While Florida’s most dangerous junction is relatively far from Crystal River, it is worth noting that Florida’s most dangerous intersection is just outside of Fort Lauderdale.

A safer alternative

Many cities are converting four-way stops and traffic lights to roundabouts. While these were more popular in Europe, they are increasing in popularity in the United States.

The appeal of the roundabout is that all traffic must slow down, making crashes less likely. Even for those who are nervous about the proper procedure, roundabouts limit the confusion regarding which driver gets to go through the intersection.

Regardless of the type of intersection, it is essential to stay focused on the road ahead and be ready to respond to those around you. When you are aware of your surroundings, you can keep your passengers and yourself safe on the road.


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