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Do new drivers take more risks?

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2020 | Car Accidents

When evaluating the safety of our roads, there are many variables. Although drivers must prove a certain amount of knowledge to obtain a license to get behind the wheel, people do not always drive with care.

As newer drivers gain experience and skill behind the wheel, they become more capable of making safer decisions. For teenagers and other new drivers, there is no replacement for hours of driving time and the development of expertise behind the wheel in different circumstances.

Here’s a look at why some new drivers’ inexperience can lead to riskier decisions.

The feeling of invincibility

The teenage years are an exciting time for most. While teens are gaining a little independence in their lives and activities, some may have the impression they are indestructible.

Many teenagers tend to drive faster and take more risks behind the wheel than their adult counterparts. Often, until teenagers learn the hard way from friends or their own experiences, they do not always understand the impact a car accident will have on them and people sharing the road.

More distracted than ever

Driving without the constant distraction of a cell phone is still a clear memory to some. Now that phones are for much more than talking, they are even more distracting as you drive. Also, voice-activated systems tend to be just as distracting as hands-on options.

Distractions for new drivers are not limited to electronics. Younger individuals tend to drive with teenage passengers in their vehicles. It can be challenging for the less experienced driver to pay attention to the road ahead when there are other people in the car.

Teenagers and other inexperienced drivers do not have public notices on their cars, so it can be difficult to anticipate when you are driving in close proximity to them. When driving, always watch for signs that other motorists are distracted, such as swerving and erratic lane-changing.


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