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Is your head injury worse than you thought?

There is a hope that you would be the person who walks away from a serious accident and determines that you haven’t suffered any injuries. Whether you have seen these people in real life or in the media, they seem to be indestructible.

If you are in an accident, underestimating your injuries may cost valuable time which cannot be regained, especially if you suffered a head injury. In other cases, you may not realize the extent of the damage until days or weeks after the accident.

These are some of the delayed signs that a head injury could be getting worse.

Change in sleep

The ability to sleep well is an important part of recovering from an accident. Changes in sleep patterns may be easy for you to dismiss, or you may attribute them to your body going through the healing process.

When recovering from a head injury, pay attention to your sleep patterns, including:

  • Difficulty waking from sleep
  • Sleeping more or less than usual
  • Increased fatigue

Subtle changes in your ability to sleep can suggest more trauma to your brain than originally thought, and may indicate that you need more medical attention.

Processing problems

After a traumatic brain or head injury, you may also experience changes in how you think and process information. Watch for symptoms, such as:

  • Mood swings
  • Confusion or forgetfulness
  • Trouble following directions or getting lost more easily
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing

These symptoms are often noticed by your loved ones, but you may find ways to disregard them. If those around you notice changes after a serious accident you should consult with your medical team to see if your symptoms worsen.

It is critical to seek treatment right away, and also if you suspect worsening symptoms. These actions could provide you more options for the best recovery possible after your accident.


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