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How daylight saving time affects driving

On Behalf of | Mar 19, 2018 | Car Accidents

Daylight saving time means that Florida residents lose one hour of sleep, and this, in turn, could mean increased drowsiness, especially among drivers. A traffic safety study from AAA has shown that nearly 10 percent of all car accidents in the U.S. are caused by drowsy driving. A new study from the same organization suggests a link between this deadly form of negligence and the advent of daylight saving time.

The important thing to know, of course, is how to adjust to the changes. AAA recommends, first of all, that everyone get to bed one hour earlier to make up for the loss until their bodies are back on schedule. On the road, drivers should be on the lookout for other drivers who may be drowsy. When changing lanes, for instance, drivers should always double-check their blind spots and use their turn signals.

With the mornings now darker, drivers will need to be on the lookout for pedestrians. Pedestrians, for their part, are advised to wear bright colors and carry flashlights during the early morning as well as the hours of night and dusk. To reduce glare from the sunrise and sunset, drivers can use their sun visors or purchase glasses with polarized lenses. Lastly, drivers should expect more traffic in the evenings since the days are longer.

Victims of car crashes should consider seeing a lawyer to determine if they have the grounds to file a claim against the other driver’s insurance company. Though drowsiness is hard to detect since the drivers themselves may not be aware that they’re drowsy, all an attorney needs to do is show that the plaintiff made negligent maneuvers that caused the accident. A lawyer can do this with the help of investigators and negotiate a settlement once the case is ready.


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