Florida drivers and others may be eagerly awaiting the arrival of self-driving cars. However, current automobiles have features that help to make them safer than ever. For instance, some cars come standard with blind spot detection or collision avoidance technology on some or all models. Other automakers allow buyers to add these features to the vehicle before delivery. They can all play a role in cutting down the nearly 35,000 traffic deaths each year.
Cars that are available today may even drive themselves in certain situations, such as during times of congestion. However, one issue with such features is that drivers may not remain engaged with their environment. Ultimately, advanced safety features can be beneficial when they are widely used by all drivers. They can also represent a bridge to fully autonomous cars over the next several years. On average, cars last for about 10 years, which means that they will likely be on the road for the foreseeable future.
This may provide time to work out issues related to introducing self-driving cars, such as how to handle insurance or creating an infrastructure. Technological advances may also need to be made as time goes on. There may also be a need to resolve regulatory issues before autonomous vehicles can be used on roads and highways across the country.
Someone who is in a car accident involving a negligent driver may be entitled to compensation or other relief. The driver may be negligent for not paying attention to his or her surroundings prior to the accident. Drivers may also be negligent if they take their hands off the wheel even when their vehicles may be in an autopilot or similar mode. Victims may be entitled to recover damages such as medical bills, lost wages or lost future earnings.